The choice to film in Williamsburg, in Brooklyn close to the Passover occasion brought on some debate, as pundits accepted that this was socially obtuse, and might result in issues with parking. This was to be the biggest film online processing ever in the City of New York. Sony uncovered this might be the first Spider Man film to be taped altogether in the city of New York, except for an car racing scene that was shot in Rochester in light of the fact that the pace laws are less prohibitive in upstate New York. He likewise affirmed that the continuation that is the sequel to The Amazing Spider Man 1 is, no doubt shot on a 35mm film in the anamorphic arrangement, as opposed to being recorded digitally as the previous film was.

On 4th of February, 2013, Marc Webb posted on his Twitter account that important photography had started for the full movie. Gwen Stacy is noticed to be silently viewing all this from the wings. Close to the end, the super villain and superhero move ahead to square off in pitched fight inside the pitch-dark city. All being admirably, Electro could have been cherished and regarded and not set off every auto alert on every road he strolls down, along these lines presumably making himself the most scorned man in New York. Ideally, if possible Electro and Spider-Man may even have been companions. They mainly feel harmed and double-crossed and unearth fiendishness if everything else fails. It ought to be noted that not, one or the other Harry or Max particularly need to be offenders.

In the event that, that weren't sufficient, he has to battle his much close and loved best friend Harry Osborn (played by Dane Dehaan), a putative Green Goblin, and discouraged Max Dillon (Jamie Foxx), who flicks a switch and gets to be Electro. In the online movie, Parker says a final farewell to Gwen Stacy (played by Emma Stone), who declines to adjust and live together with his costumed avata i.e the spider man and moves to England to start a brand new life.

The sequel to The Amazing Spider Man develops into a movie which you can watch full online, that is much more emotionally complex and brings about different emotional entanglements.